Title Tentech Inc. Concluded 10PL Workshop in Kuwait
Tentech Inc. Concluded Successfully '10PL' Workshop in Kuwait.

Tentech Inc. announced on Friday that the workshop, named on ‘State of Art Fractional IPL(10PL) For Dark Skin Problems’, was held successfully at Symphony Hotel in Kuwait.

The workshop took place at 7a.m. on September 20. The workshop was part of the seminar: New Concept of Antiaging and Hyperpigmentation. The workshop was presented by KOL (Key Opinion Leader) Dr. Badawi, who is the president of the European Society for Lasers and energy based devices.

10PL is an IPL(intense pulsed light) device that significantly lowers the risk of burns by applying the fractional concept to the existing IPL. Also, the tip size is 45mm X 18mm, which allows for quick treatment of large areas.

“Although the workshop was one day ahead of schedule, many participants in dermatology field and plastic surgery field visited here.” Tentech’s official said “We appreciate those who helped us successfully complete the workshop”.

After the workshop, one of participants expressed satisfaction with the workshop. Also mentioned” During Dr. Badawi’s lecture, I learned about the principle of IPL and how to use 10PL.”

“About 30% of participants wanted to get a demonstration of 10PL.” Tentech Inc. said in a statement. “We plan to do surveys for participants in the future. Additionally, we will not only keep in touch with potential customers but also take orders of 10PL from them.

Meanwhile, Tentech Inc. acquired USA FDA 510K clearance last year.
Hits # 396 Date 2023.09.25


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